How to configure Chalk

Learn more about the config file for Chalk and how to set it up properly.

October 16, 2016 - 4 minute read -
web jekyll

The _config.yml file is the most important one. It contains the basic setup of your project. Some parts are preconfigured and shouldn’t be touched as the comments state. Of course if you are familiar with Jekyll you can change whatever you want.

Note: You do not have to change anything. Chalk works out of the box. I do recommend changing the _config.yml to suit your needs.

Mandatory settings

# Mandatory settings

baseurl: /
name: Chalk
paginate: 25
paginate_path: "/posts/page/:num/"
url: # add site url
blog_theme: light # Or use dark
  • baseurl: Set baseurl to match the production URL without the host.
  • name: Used as the page title and throughout your project as the default name.
  • paginate: Define how much posts should be shown on the homepage for each page.
  • paginate_path: Change the path name to something else for paginated pages.
  • url: Your production url (
  • blog_theme: 2 options here, light or dark. Choose which design you prefer.

Optional settings

# Optional settings

discus_identifier: # Add your Disqus identifier
ga_analytics: # Add your GA Tracking Id
rss_enabled: true # Change to false if not
  dribbble: # Add your Dribbble link
  facebook: # Add your Facebook link
  github: # Add your GitHub link
  linkedin: # Add your LinkedIn link
  twitter: # Add your Twitter handle
  • discus_identifier: If you like to use Disqus for comments on each blog post, you can add the Disqus identifier here and it will popup automatically.
  • ga_analytics: Add Google Analytics Tracking ID here.
  • rss_enabled: When set to true, the rss icon in the top navigation will show up and people will be able to subscribe to your rss feed.
  • social: Add you social links in here. When filled in they will show up in the navigation.

Other settings

Other than the _config.yml you can change a lot more in the project.


To add tags you must add a file with the tag name in _my_tags. In the file you add 2 variables: slug used to reference the tag and name which is displayed in the article header.

# _my_tags/
slug: design
name: Design


You can change colors, fonts, sizes in the _assets/stylesheets/_variables.scss file. For each specific theme (light or dark) you can change the variables in _assets/stylesheets/dark.scss and _assets/stylesheets/light.scss.

// =============================================================================
// Variables
// =============================================================================

// Typography
// =============================================================================

$sans-serif: "Lato", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$serif: "Cormorant Garamond", Courier, serif;
$base-font-family: $sans-serif;
$base-font-weight: 400;
$base-font-weight-bold: 700;

// Colors
// =============================================================================

// Brand colors

$brand-success: #1fbf92;
$brand-danger: #e74b3c;
$brand-primary: #3449ed;
$brand-warning: #f1c90b;

// Sizes
// =============================================================================

// Grid

$columns: 12;
$max-width: 650px;
$gutter: 20px;
$one-column: 100% / $columns;
$negative-gutter: 0 - $gutter;

// Font sizes

$base-font-size: 16px;
$base-line-height: 1.8;

// Box sizes

$base-border-radius: 4px;

// Effects
// =============================================================================

$base-transition-speed: .2s;


Chalk uses Google Fonts by default. You can change the font in _includes/javascripts.html.

<script src=""></script>
    google: {
      families: ['Cormorant Garamond:700', 'Lato:300,400,700']

Changing the text in the footer is easy. It can be found in _includes/footer.html.

If you have any questions about using or configuring Chalk please create an issue here!